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        HOME >  NEWS >  COMPANY NEWS > Kebu factory works overtime to ensure timely delivery of equipment ordered
        Kebu factory works overtime to ensure timely delivery of equipment ordered

        Under the influence of the epidemic in 2020, many heavy equipment manufacturing companies are facing a shortage of orders. Some companies even restrict or stop production. However, in the production workshop of Kebu Technology Co., Ltd., it is a scene of workers working overtime. The company The number of equipment orders received has increased significantly, and the three major indicators of sales, production and delivery have achieved good results.

        Recently, the spider crane equipment ordered by domestic and foreign customers has entered the delivery period, and the production, assembly, and finished product delivery areas are all busy. In order to ensure the timely delivery of equipment ordered by customers at home and abroad, as well as the quality and quantity, everyone is doing their responsibilities. Even if the cold wind makes people unable to resist the chills, the staff always maintain a state of selflessness and passion Stick to the front line of delivery.

        The loaded trucks and the busy production department are executing every plan in an orderly manner, and all personnel are working hard to ensure the smooth production of more and more new orders and meet market demand. We all work together to seize the opportunity for the development of the new year of 2021, and strive to win the market.

        Relying on the business philosophy of "technology, integrity, quality, and efficiency", the company does its best to meet the needs of customers and achieve perfection. We treat every link of product research and development, production, sales, distribution, and after-sales. It requires scalpel-like precision. To ensure that products can serve customers better and faster and create value. This is also the perfect embodiment of Kebu corporate culture!

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