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        HOME >  NEWS >  INDUSTRY INFORMATION > Ma Yun and Liu Qiangdong taking "debate": traditional enterprises want to do (3)
        Ma Yun and Liu Qiangdong taking "debate": traditional enterprises want to do (3)

        And finally, a point of view, today people say BAT is too large, the Alibaba is too big, too big to be down, no company can not be inverted. Today, as the world's second largest economy, the largest economy is much like the scale of companies like BAT, Europe's second largest economy how many companies such as BAT, the third largest economy in Japan has a number of large enterprises such as us, China so few, Chinese have made a habit of state-owned enterprises. Truly private enterprises bigger and stronger was frightened, as if only the state-owned enterprises to do so, private enterprises should not do so. We have such a large economy, Chinese does not need a BAT, China to dozens of BAT, hundreds of BAT, which will make our country economic prosperity.

        Asia Group Chairman Chen Qiwei: Ma is now recognized as the most thinking entrepreneurs, Ma talked about the things he is just sitting on the toilet do things, do things Wang Shi is climbing on the top of the hill, I was sitting on the toilet do things more in line with the level of. But many problems China too lack of level, so the error will emerge in an endless stream. Ask Ma, what are you so strong ideological force source, your common sense is where it comes from, is a simple thing is a complex thing, if complex what things, if we can do is simple.

        Ma Yun: I do not know the two dimension, but I respect for young people, I respect young people. If young people know I know, I want to know earlier than young people, I will from the top down. In fact, I only know that support them to do, but I want to how to think, many years ago, I started to do business, I have to learn Japanese, then the later learn Korean, because we always go to school in the people side, we forever in the history of school, we never learn about the future. China culture is very good, but if we change zunlaoaiyou, respect for the young love old, I admire Jin Yong, but only cannot read is why the older the more martial arts. So I want to understand a truth, then I found the whole thought system of Europe and the United States is the Christian system, while the Christian "Bible" in the system of learning is extremely high in the West found down ceremony above, China in above the road is extremely good, but western road or more courtesy. So the road and the ceremony together, reached the scale of numerous data, and China is very strong, Li is poor, surgery is occasionally, but occasionally not, in which I Chinese insisted for seven or eight years in the United States, in fact I never read the book, I have not had the experience of studying abroad. But I grew up on the English interested me on the Western cultural interest, but I am a Chinese, I know a lot of Confucian thought which wrote innovation. In fact, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Christianity combined, and then use the competition theory of Tai Chi, I feel an endless enjoyment. If I go to study Christianity today, the western management system, then the Alibaba can not get out of the western model. So my idea is that I firmly believe that, because the ultimate innovation, creativity, from his belief system, from the understanding of culture, so this is my understanding.

        Man group (Man Group) China District chairman Li Yifei: because you are a man of wisdom, we will consider the death, you thought you leave this world, the Alibaba you want it to continue to exist, for your wealth will be how to dispose of? I hope you can share with us.

        Ma Yun: I'm sure is not wise, I think the human race in twenty-first Century to robot smarter than anyone else, this is not possible, but we can talk with the robot than wisdom, but I don't think my wisdom, wisdom is actually a moral responsibility, wisdom is useful for others, is clever for yourself, remember this, wisdom is to help others, I don't think I to the point of wisdom, but I feel like I want to understand a truth, we cannot control what he was born in the family, was born in where, how to die but we can control ourselves, how can we know you don't go to jail, we must understand yourself, if you do not want to be killed by a tiger don't mountain, if you do not want to do to drown on the river. The Alibaba at least I live for 102 years, from the previous 10 years, 20 years, I from the gene, the mission, the whole system to guarantee, so it will happen in the future I can't control. I have not considered my own death, I think very clearly, I know I will have to leave one day, especially at my age, I have seen things, to understand what death is not terrible, but after the death of the company whether what you say, this is I spend the most effort. Now, how to make the company I am not in, we are not in time, it still can have a batch of more than us, find talent, build a culture, to establish a mechanism to become more important. So I'm speaking today, if you want 80 years old, 90 years old, 100 years old how to die, you're ready today, if you want to find a successor while you win the strong year to find, not at the age of seventy or eighty to find seventy or eighty year old son, it's too late regeneration.

        ChinaEquity Capital Group founder and chairman Wang Chaoyong: because Alibaba is an electricity supplier, has achieved the highest market value of 280 billion U.S. dollars, China future electricity supplier support more than $500 billion of market value of Alibaba, today the ant payment service is not listed, Ma has become the world's first rich and there is no doubt that wealth over hundreds of billions of dollars, then there is Ali Ali health and sports. Ali games and so on, so if Ali was founded 100 years, the annual growth rate of 10%, when Ali's market capitalization may impose five hundred was bigger than the world. I want to ask a question, where is the boundary of enterprise? Do a lot of time, a head like Agam, you love the most, you are running, I am tired I don't run, this is not a boundary.

        Ma Yun: what is the boundary? I think the first man, the richest man in the money, second is the biggest debt, third is the biggest responsible person. Anyway, I'm certainly not Chinese you know who is the richest man, the richest man, I thought, when I was in business with wife said, do you want me to become the richest man in Hangzhou, the city's richest man, forget it. Come on, how could you do when the richest man. I hope I will say that you are very rich or respected, certainly respected.

        But I think the "richest man" of the "rich" is "responsible", I think the most important boundary is "Shou Fu", a blessing, is the happiness of the family, friends, this is the greatest blessing, we can't do it but will keep blessing as the richest person, so the biggest boundary is I feel happy today, I'm not happy today, because I didn't think I could do so many things. If you don't do it, it is not ideal, you do it, may not be ideal. But I think today's society gave me so many resources, such a big market, so many profits, so many young people, so much data, so many technical, cannot work hard today, make a contribution to the society, I think it is wrong. So, I'm not because of greed, not because of the pursuit of value, indeed a $2 amount of surplus has caused so much confusion, if the trillions of dollars, I ma this small body is not carried. What is the boundary boundary?. As long as beneficial to society, to their advantage, to employee shareholders in the future the good thing, you have enough ability, we can do it in the future, is to win cross.

        United Express Holdings Limited chairman Zhang Shuxin: I ask a very specific question, I ask Ali with the competition of Tencent, you have two first is facing the competition of social media, the second is to pay. On social media, Ali now has Sina micro-blog YAHOO, you do, do come to treasure, or are you still insist on doing their own social media? Second, CCTV Alipay grab a red envelope this thing, everyone in this complexity spit bad Alipay red is for the customer to consider?

        Ma Yun: the first with WeChat on the competition, I just say if Ma Huateng said, you will not have to compete with Ma Yun, he said that is not false, if the Alibaba will not, I told you that I never thought of it before, now I began to think of. I used to be on the mouth hard, I do not. Shopping malls such as the battlefield, in the market is definitely not the elimination of rivals you can live, I have to give up the fight at outrance ", but we have to nip in the bud, we have to put in a competitive situation, because we must participate in the competition all over the world today and today is not only the domestic competition. Social networking sites and the community there is a huge difference, social Tencent is doing, the future development of our community, social and community is a huge difference, social community to do is share, do is shared, how to create a more extensive community activities, this is our hope. Because the Internet will soon become a society, in this society, how to build a lasting innovation, how are we interested in, whether it is from or a nail or here today will not give up, we do not think that the Alibaba is the business of the head, the Alibaba is just a matter of time, just a concept, organization talent, not the same as above, I don't think WeChat today is already beyond the gangster, WeChat is not imitation WeChat, but continue to explore in the future the idea of WeChat, this is Ali this company to the future exploration. Today's Tmall, Taobao is not to copy out of us, beyond the future exploration is today.

        Payment problems. We talked about the red thing is not a dedicated blessing, to the customer experience, I tell you the public just said, both sides just said, the starting point of Ali is pure hope you had a good year. I know the good and bad with this to prove, and do not care about a war in addition, but do not care about today people say hello, nobody said hello especially careful, nobody said you bad, we didn't say so bad, we certainly can not say so good, this is us.

        Jiang Changjian: apple to pay what?

        Ma Yun: there is one such company in China this is good, the market is large, a company to do the market do not, several companies based competition is correct. Apple Alipay today is a traditional banking financial improvement, with WeChat to pay is improved the traditional finance, our goal is to create a financial support in twenty-first Century to support the development of the real economy, in twenty-first Century entered the era of big data, how to keep the 80% enterprises can develop, if using low cost technology for cloud computing data. So, we want to make a payment system is able to support the twenty-first Century economic development of the financial system, rather than simply do a lucrative financial tool, I really have no interest in making money.

        Jiang Changjian: this sentence is true?

        Ma: yes. Do you think I can spend much money, this is Taobao bought.

        Jiang Changjian: This is called tone.

        Chunhua capital group founding partner, chairman and chief executive officer Hu Zuliu: twenty-first Century China to lead the future, more industry, more BAT, with Tsinghua University Beijing biggest advice is what? If Xi greatly, say a word with him, what would you say?

        Ma Yun: if the Peking University and Tsinghua University, Fudan University, said at the Hangzhou normal university students appreciate the vision, with the Hangzhou normal university student said, look at their own appreciation of the support, Chinese economy is not to say, but on the stem, rely on real to make every little bit. The Alibaba is not to say that, I am more likely to say, but the company is not I say, is hundreds of millions of young people do every little bit out.

        If Xi Jinping said a word, I would say, don't work too hard. He is too hard.

        Asian Association president Shi Jing the book: the first problem is before you mentioned as a qualified entrepreneur should be long-term development of the enterprise, you proposed timeline for 20 years, so in the short term, if you think of the quarter reporting system should be improved? Second question is the philosophy that is always wanted to know if you have a chance and any other person in the world, whether living or deceased, who would you like to drink tea?

        Ma Yun: no chairman for 10 years, 20 years of deliberation, the board of directors is 30 years, 50 years of this plan is wrong, a reflection board must have 30 years, 50 years, an CEO must have 5-10 years of thinking, a vice president must be 3 years of thinking, President, manager must be next week thinking, an employee is thinking about tomorrow, this is a system.

        Second, not because the employees hate KPI, cancel KPI, each of the KPI index is not the same, this is not the decomposition of digital digital things behind, KPI design is the art of management is a science, there is a huge difference.

        Again, I want to drink tea today if China in words, I would like to have tea with Deng Xiaoping.

        Jiang Changjian: why?

        Ma Yun: he has the courage to reform, his courage, his decision, or action, are very worthy of my learning.

        Jiang Changjian: I still have to put out the last one I just mentioned. If there is a world like the top financial media to cover what you do, what you wish to cover the lead?

        Ma: first, I can't be a cover, if you really become the cover of time magazine, just entered the public film cover, entertainment.

        Second because I know my background, Hangzhou ordinary people, today I like this, I'm just a man in Hangzhou, but the times give me a chance, let me toss it, don't sit down until I toss. I thank you for a time, thank you for your trust, of course, a lot of people I am not happy, I can not make everyone happy, I think if you want to have a true friend, must not be swayed by others.

        Jiang Changjian: no matter what will cover or tombstone or, "I am a man of Hangzhou," there is heaven, there are Suzhou and hangzhou.

        Liu Qiangdong speech record

        To be simple and happy, first of all as short as possible, at least, there is no pressure. I want to feel the atmosphere of the scene is relatively dull today, there is little applause, rarely scream.

        The media are to create a very good atmosphere, the economy is not good, life difficult, actually a lot of things are artificially exaggerated. The government is also very anxious, entrepreneurs are very anxious, how can do simple things, like the Jingdong to pursue the idea of "let the life become simple and happy", if the government want to invigorate the economy, in fact, is one thing, to crack down on tax evasion, sharply lower taxes, especially VAT rates, large wide base rate, China up to the VAT rate of 17%. What causes the phenomenon? We all know that some time ago out of the media reports, we have all kinds of consumption in 1 trillion and 200 billion overseas in 2015 last year, 46% of the world's food is Chinese bought. But according to our estimates, there are many government statistics that, if the real number, we think at least not less than 2 trillion, more than half of them are shopping abroad.

        You said Chinese consumption of 30 trillion, 2 trillion is not what, but don't forget, the consumption of 2 trillion, can be said to be in the US consumer market with high added value, high profit, the 2 trillion consumer I can tell you that all the profits generated is equivalent to 10 trillion of domestic consumption, foreign enterprises have been taken the. The enterprise is the core of an important, is China value-added tax rate is relatively high, although the country has reduced tariffs, and many products have no tariff, but as long as one entry, plus 17% of the value-added tax, resulting in the high price, the price is in the high-end brand, with foreign the price gap is still very obvious.

        So I personally think that if the government can bring value-added tax rate to less than 14%, to crack down on tax evasion and escape, like the United States, 5000 sentenced to 10 years, all of a sudden nobody in tax evasion, the government revenue will not be reduced, but can make Chinese economy, including our entrepreneurs here gloomy, could be reduced to the extent that our competitiveness will be greatly enhanced.

        For our entrepreneurs, how can we do the simple happiness? In the current economic situation, we had better, a lot of, half of the traditional enterprise can actually consider selling. To sell the company, all the troubles are gone, cash is the most happy. In 2012, I have a classmate, is a junior high school classmate, he made a garment factory in southern Jiangsu, a work for ten or twenty years, 2012 asked me what transformation can be asked to the Jingdong shop, said the Internet to sell clothes, I said your factory sold, he was reluctant to say. Although in the past one or two years there are always ups and downs, when I go through one or two years to make money is to make money, but do not boil down to a boil for three years, now want to sell businesses have been very difficult, in the past ten or twenty years hard to do their own clothing to earn profits are laid out, the net assets of zero.

        So many of the traditional enterprise, if your business does not have a unique value, that is to say in your industry which does not create a unique value, such as pen, ball point pen, we made billions last year, now do the ball point pen factory has no meaning? Most of the ballpoint pen the factory can be sold, if you are not in the industry before the ten, if you do not equipment is better than another, your management is not better than others, or you do not have their own unique design technology of words, the best choice is to sell, especially when the State encourages the supply side reforms, supply side reforms it what is the reduction of production capacity, the flow, sell the business, we are today a lot of enterprises can be said that the best choice.

        Finally, in order not to timeout I say a point of view, has many traditional brands, the last 5 to 10 years, are constantly towards the transformation of electronic commerce, in the market to do with him now than vice president for 10 years 10 times higher salaries, a lot of VP followed for 10 years, the annual salary of about 3389, 4489, the results for people to engage in electricity providers, will be opening a 3 million. The first lesson is to tell the boss, you see Liu Qiangdong do electricity supplier more than ten years of losing money, so if I do business, must lose money. The boss said no transition to die ah, I have to transition, but also lose money in electronic commerce, and then make their own electricity supplier sector to lose money selling things online, buy a variety of advertising, in fact, looking back today, I warned, I said that most of the brands or the time and effort on the brand to do your research and design. The sales pipeline should be delivered to the retailers, give your agents, give you the dealers to do a good job, he did not need to set up a business what department, get a huge team, such a high salary, to do online marketing.

        So today we can have a good look, all of the traditional brands, as long as you say the import electricity supplier, is not to say that all sell things online, if you build your business sector, a considerable part of his department sales by electricity suppliers to sell it, is an absolute disaster.

        A few days ago to chat with friends we have a very well-known domestic shoe brands, over the past ten years profit is very good, someone give me a number, 1/3 said in the Chinese all shoes brand inside the transformation of electronic commerce in the most successful, last year, line 2 billion, the electricity supplier sector that is not to the Jingdong supply, net profit of 10 million. The boss is very happy, I say you can do better than Liu Qiangdong, I made 2 billion, net profit was 10 million, but take a look at your financial statements, you 2 billion, if you supply your customers, allow customers to sell it, but do not own direct words, your net profit should be 380 million right, because you have 2/3 profit profit of more than 10%, you can earn 3 more than go online, to do marketing, in fact, is a business, you need to accumulate knowledge too much, not all brands have to establish their own business department, you can work with the electricity supplier company, can cooperate with him, not do direct sales. All directly to success may be only a few brands DELL, Amway.

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